Post-Op Instructions

After extraction of teeth, a blood clot forms in the remaining socket. To prevent post-operative inflammation and infection, it is important to keep this blood clot in place.

DO NOT: Smoke, rinse vigorously, spit forcefully, use straws, or disturb the site for the first 5 days after oral surgery,


It is normal to ooze blood for approximately 48 hours. Keep in mind that blood mixes with your saliva and appears much worse than it really is. To minimize bleeding:

  • Firmly bite on gauze for 1 hour after surgery at the sites. Repeat with fresh gauze as needed
  • Firmly biting on moistened black tea bags can also help stop persistent bleeding
  • Facial bruising is common but will fully resolve after a few days


It is normal to swell after following a procedure. The swelling is greatest 2-3 days after surgery and may remain for an additional 3 days before it starts to resolve.

  • Ice to face immediately after surgery for the first 24 hours. Leave the pack on for 20 minutes and then off for 20 minutes for the rest of the day
  • Occasionally, a short course of low-dose steroids may be prescribed to help reduce swelling


It is normal to experience discomfort when the anesthesia wears off. Take prescribed medications as directed to help reduce this.


There is always a small risk of infection following oral surgery due to normal bacteria being present in the oral cavity. Good oral hygiene helps reduce this risk

  • If prescribed, take antibiotics until finished.
  • Women taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills) are recommended to use other methods of contraception while taking antibiotics. Penicillin and penicillin-like medications temporarily decrease effectiveness of birth control pills.


  • Nausea/vomiting can sometimes occur due to anesthetics or prescribed medications. This can be reduced by not taking medications on an empty stomach.
  • It is important to drink enough liquids after surgery to avoid dehydration
  • Do not disturb the surgical site with your fingers or any other objects to allow for optimal healing
  • Following any oral surgery procedure, you should rest at home with moderate activity as tolerated. Strenuous exercise is not recommended for the first 3-5 days
  • Resume oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, light rinsing) the next day, brush lightly as you get closer to the area of surgery. Rinse with salt water after meals
  • Soft, non-chewy foods are recommended for 1 week after surgery, such as mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, or pasta.
  • DO NOT eat popcorn, peanuts, seeds, or chips for at least 2 weeks after surgery to prevent food impaction in the surgical sites
  • Depending on the extent of the procedures, sutures (stitches) may be placed to help wound healing. Sutures that dissolve should fall out in about 1-7 days.
If you have any concerns or questions after hours, please contact our office and follow the prompts to reach the on-call Dr. (248)341-8477